Beyond 9 - Pregnancy Nutrition Package

This package is for both current and new clients. It often feels like getting pregnant is the biggest challenge. Whilst the journey to parenthood can be a difficult one for many, we often don’t think about the challenges that can come with pregnancy.

Firsty, if you are pregnant, HUGE congratulations! It is a wonderful journey. However, I know first hand how hard it can be. I suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum and was hospitalised for a number of weeks at the start of my pregnancy journey. An autoimmune condition meant that I was under consultant care throughout my pregnancy. However, I know how the right nutrition and lifestyle strategies can have a positive impact on your pregnancy.

By working with me throughout your pregnancy not only will I be able to support you every step of your journey but the tools and knowledge that you gain will go far beyond the 9 months of your pregnancy. You will be able to pass on the healthy habits and knowledge to your family and to future generations to come.

Here’s what’s included:

This package includes 5 sessions which can either be used through each trimester and postpartum or alternatively used whenever you feel you would need the most support and would get maximum benefit from. For example you may find the first trimester particularly difficult or perhaps you feel you would need more postpartum support.

  • 60-Minute Initial Consultation:

    During this comprehensive session, we'll discuss your medical history, lifestyle factors, nutrition, and any challenges you've encountered along the way. This detailed assessment will allow us to create a personalised roadmap specifically tailored to your needs.

  • Follow-Up Session:

    After implementing the recommendations from our initial consultation, we'll meet again for four further 45 minute follow-up sessions. Here, we'll review your progress, address any concerns, and fine-tune your Beyond 9 Pregnancy Plan. I'll provide guidance and motivation to keep you on track, ensuring that you're empowered with the knowledge and tools to make sure both you and your baby are as healthy as can be.

  • Testing recommendations (additional cost)

  • Discounts on supplements

  • Referral letters to your GP or other clinicians in your care


1 x full payment of £1100
Payment plan option available.